About me

Professionally, I am a professor of statistics and data science at Macalester College and R Studio certified instructor of tidyverse. I have used R since 2003 (whoa!) in many different roles: student, statistician/data scientist, and teacher. I have always enjoyed teaching people how to use R, but love it even more since the creation of R Markdown. If you are new to R and R Studio, you might find my tutorials from my introductory data science class helpful.

A Facebook post from back when I worked in industry and got excited about knitting to Word

I am also a mom and spouse. I enjoy tending to my jungle garden (that’s how I fondly refer to my backyard garden) in the summers, cycling outdoors or indoors when necessary, and working on remodeling and restoring our house.

My family
Cross-cycling on a beautiful Minnesota October day!
The “Jungle Garden”, aka my 3rd child in the summer
The patio Chris and I built summer 2020.


PhD in Statistics, 2012
University of Minnesota, School of Statistics

BA in Mathematics and Spanish, 2003
Macalester College

Work Experience

Assistant Professor (NTT), 2021-present
Visiting Assistant Professor, 2012-2013 & 2017-2020
Macalester College

Statistics and Advanced Analytics Consultant, 2016-2017
Securian Financial

Senior Data Scientist, 2014-2016
Allina Health / Health Catalyst

Senior Biostatistician, 2013-2014

Data Analyst, 2003-2006
Target Corporation

Or peruse my more detailed resume.


The easiest way to contact me, is to tweet me @lisalendway! If you are interested in having me lead a training, feel free to email me.
